Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)
by PROTRANS N5 and N5LR11
Highlights of Protrans N5 and N5LR11
Single PCR Next Generation Sequencing
Only one purification needed
Strong reduction of allele drop-outs
Short Sample to sequencing time
Low hands-on time
Easy to handle
High and consistent coverage
Optimal for low and high throughput
Easiest Workflow
- One short and robust PCR for the complete workflow
- Amplification and Index Labeling in the same PCR (N5)
- Same protocol for all loci
- One Purification of pooled PCR products for the entire workflow
- No need of Fragmentation (N5)
Fastest Turnaround Time
- Minimized hands-on time ~ 1 h
- Sample to Sequencer in one working day (~8h)
- Sample to high-resolution result in 1.5 days
Efficient NGS Strategy
- Sequencing the key regions (N5) or
- Complete HLA genes (N5 LR11)
- Null Alleles are covered
- Allele drop-outs are minimized
- Optimum use of the flow cell capacity
- High and consistent coverage of the Amplificates
Scalable Solutions
- Optimal for low and high throughput
- Less than 0.5 μg of starting gDNA from Blood, Saliva or Buccal Swab
- Minimized hands-on time makes automation unnecessary
- For highest throughput, automation is easy to implement
- Wide compatibility for N5 LR11 (Illumina MiSeq/MiniSeq/iSeq, ONT MinION)
Reliable Data Analysis
- User-friendly and reliable Software
- Fast analysis and easy-to-interpret results
- No need for high performance computing power